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DHWBT Newsletter Posted or Updated on 11 Jun 2024

Upcoming Health and Wellbeing Events

Cholesterol Workshop

7th May 2024 at 10.30am to 12.30pm at Prestbury Medical Practice, 2 Broadway, WV10 8EB

A GP, Dietician, Fitness Trainer and the HWBC’s will all be there.

Find out what cholesterol is, the risks and how to control it. This workshop is aimed for people with high LDL cholesterol levels and/or high triglycerides levels.

7 Week Health and Wellbeing Programme

21st May 2024 at 10.30am to 12.30pm at Prestbury Medical Practice, 2 Broadway, WV10 8EB

A GP, Dietician, Fitness Trainer and the HWBC’s will all be there.
Each week we will focus on a health and lifestyle factor: stress, gut health, sleep, relationships, diet, exercise and more. Learn about how these factors affect your wellbeing. Set your own personalised goals and practice motivational techniques. This programme is aimed for people who want to improve their wellbeing and sense of satisfaction.

Weight Management Programme

Every Thursday at 10.00am to 11.00am and 11.00am to 12.00pm at Prestbury Medical Practice, 2 Broadway, WV10 8EB

A Dietician, Fitness Trainer and the HWBC’s will all be there.

We now have two sessions every Thursday, we have one at 10.00am and the other at 11.00am at Prestbury Medical Practice, both sessions are already popular. Last week’s focus was Goal Setting: Mood and Food. This programme is aimed for people who want to lose weight and lower their BMI from 30+.

What Have We Been Doing?

On the evening of 20th of March, the Dietetic Health and Wellbeing Team organised the Cholesterol Workshop. Thank you for all of the positive feedback, we appreciate every single comment we receive. A big thank you to Dr Rafiq for answering all the medical questions. You had many questions to ask Emily, our dietician, and we hide you now have more clarity.

Bushbury Litter Busters

On the evening of the 21st of March, we started from Prestbury Medical Practice, picking up as much litter as possible in the area. We know it is better for the community’s mental health to live in a well-kept area and we wanted to give back to the Bushbury community. In 1 hour, we had collected just over 2 bags full. Items included, metal, glass, cans, bottles, packets and a firework!

7 Week Health and Wellbeing Programme

Our Dietetic Health and Wellbeing Team have also been running this programme form the 20th of February at The New Bushbury Triangle and it is due to conclude on the 16th of April. We thank Dr Shrestha who has been present to answer many of your medical questions and for attending the weekly walk afterwards. Many of you showed great interest in gut health in particular.

Weight Management Programme

Due to how well attended this programme is, we now have two sessions. Every Thursday, we have one at 10..00am and the other at 11.00am at Prestbury Medical Practice, both sessions are already very popular. We also enjoy getting to know many of you on the optional walk afterwards.

Monthly Focus

It’s stress awareness month!

Stress is a reaction to a trigger. This trigger could be a physical event or something mentally observed. For example, the external cause of stress could be a job interview or a tight work deadline. People under stress experience irritability, anger, fatigue, muscle pain, digestive troubles and difficulty sleeping. Stress can be a motivator, helping us to meet deadlines, tackle challenges, or perform at our best. However, if the stress does not go when the trigger/event is over, or is long term, this can cause chronic stress and anxiety. Anxiety can cause physical symptoms like heart palpitations, or emotional symptoms like a feeling of impending doom. This is not good for us physically or mentally. There are types of anxiety:

  • Panic disorder - a condition where you have recurring, regular panic attacks
  • Phobias - an extreme irrational fear of something
  • Obsessive compulsive disorder - a condition that usually involves unwanted thoughts or urges, and repetitive behaviours
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder - a condition caused by frightening or distressing events

What can I do?

  • Talk to trusted family and friends
  • Talk to your GP, BACP trained counsellor or Talking Therapies
  • Take care of yourself
  • Physical exercise and breathing exercises
  • Accept what you cannot change, tackle what you can; write a list
  • Avoid caffeine and alcohol

Dietitian’s Bonus Tip

Think Vitamin B for Brain! A lack of B Vitamins in our diet can be linked to tiredness and feeling depressed or irritable. We can find these vitamins in fortified foods including: wholegrain cereals, animal protein foods such as meat, fish, eggs and dairy.

Stress is known to be a common trigger that can worsen the symptoms of IBS. Many people with IBS experience increased symptoms such as abdominal pain, bloating and bowel habit changes during heightened stress or anxiety.

Important lifestyle factors to consider include: exercise, a healthy diet, a sense of humour and building supportive relationships.

Fitness Trainer’s Top Tip

Regular movement and activity helps us to manage and reduce stress by boosting our mood as natural “feel good” chemicals like endorphins and dopamine are released when we do it. Even 5 to 10 minutes of movement is better than nothing. There is also some evidence that regular exercise can help people suffering with mild depression and anxiety. Find a local group to do it with, as it’s a great opportunity to make new friends too!

Search for local activities at Active Black Country’s activity finer:

Internation Reminders

Happy Eid to all our Muslim friends.

Happy St George’s Day.

A reminder of how to contact us

Just phone your GP surgery and ask reception to ‘task’ the Heath and Wellbeing Coaches with your enquiry. We will be in touch with you.

You can also self-refer for any of our programmes online.

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